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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

2005-05-17 @ 2:33 p.m. :: sneakpeak

last night, we went to this bar called hoot'n'anny's (no joke) and it was complete insanity.

list of insanities:

(1) man at bar with crutches repeatedly saying "titties" over the P.A.
(2) man breakdancing and "skanking" to michael jackson song
(3) woman yelling at us that it was time to go even though she didn't work there
(4) man offering either "your stink pink a little somethin'" or "a sneak peak of a little somethin'" but we never decided which - his accent was something awful
(5) other things that have been forgotten due to inevitable morning sobriety


p.s. these are my parents:

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sometimes when i visit, i have to park in the street because that tractor's in our driveway. awesome.

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