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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

2006-09-05 @ 9:51 p.m. :: shoulda gone with hojo

i'm sitting in a red roof inn in overland park, kansas. i have a job interview tomorrow with planned parenthood of kansas and missouri. couldn't interview at the office that's two blocks from my house. no. i had to drive two hours to overland park, kansas, and pay $45 (plus an overdraft fee to my bank) to stay at a crap-o-la hotel for the interview.

so i get to the red roof inn, and there are brochures at the front desk about the wireless internet plans available in-room. i ask the desk guy (whose name, by the way, is "zane" - what?), "i thought internet was free?" because, you know, NO ONE charges for wifi anymore except the barnes & noble on 144th in omaha. he reassures me that it's all right because the other hotels actually charge you for it even if you don't use it - he says it's part of those hotels' rates.

thing is, i need the internet to do some last-minute preparation for this job interview (which is why i'm on diaryland...?), so there i was getting settled in to my swank digs at the red roof inn, thinking i was going to have to pay $10 to use my laptop.

guess what?

the joy of computers now-a-days is you can access a list of available networks and choose the best (and, incidentally, cheapest) one. my list had SEVEN NETWORKS from the super 8 next door. all of them are free.


eff you, red roof inn.


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